Green Dot

What's your Green Dot?

What is a green dot?

A green dot is an action someone can take to stop a red dot from happening. Green dots are also actions someone can take to create a culture where red dots are not accepted.

Examples of Green Dots include:

  • Letting a friend or colleague know when you are concerned about them or notice a behavior change
  • Sharing resources both on and off-campus
  • Calling your RA or Campus Safety & Security when you see a dangerous situation
  • Making sure an intoxicated friend or colleague gets home safely
  • Telling someone that their sexist joke isn't funny

What is a red dot?

A single red dot is an action that does harm.  Enough single red dots add up and create a culture that allows unacceptable rates of sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.

Green Dot relies on the premise that if everyone does their small part and commits to individual responsibility, the combined effect is a safe campus culture that is intolerant of violence. Luther has not been immune to the impact and feelings associated with sexual violence on our campus but collectively, as a community, we can work together to improve upon our knowledge, skills, and resources to further address and prevent this harm.

Read more about Green Dot and its launch at Luther College on the Ideas and Creations Blog.

Request a Workshop

Green Dot Overview Workshops introduce the basic elements of Green Dot, focusing specifically on the vital role YOU play in establishing & reinforcing campus culture. This 75-minute workshop is interactive and action-oriented. Request a workshop for an employee retreat, class, or student organization meeting.