Equipment Information and Checkout

There will be NO checkouts in the summer 2022. Please check back in the fall. Thank you.


We have quite a bit of outdoor equipment available for check out at NO COST to students, with a complete inventory list.

Reservations for equipment can be made in advance via the online reservation form

We request that online reservations are made 24 hours in advance of picking equipment up.

Equipment will  be picked up and dropped off in the Recreational Services office, 104 Dahl Centennial Union. There is a $10 restocking fee for all equipment checked out and not picked up. 

Luther College Recreational Services assumes responsibility for reasonable maintenance and working condition of the checkout equipment.

It is the responsibility of the renter to:

  • Return the equipment in its original checkout condition
  • Assume liability for personal injury resulting from the use of the equipment
  • Pay for repairs of equipment which result from negligent use by the renter
  • Compensate the Recreation program in case of loss/damage of the equipment.

All checked out equipment must be returned in its original rented condition: dry, neatly packed, undamaged, and complete.

Failure to return the equipment back on time and in its original condition will result in a $10/day/item charge to your student account.