How to Apply

If you are interested in applying to the LCWS program for a fall or spring semester experience, please fill out the application form and have it signed by Professor John Moeller.  If you apply electronically, be in contact with Professor Moeller so that he can give his approval via email.

A complete semester application will include:

  • Fall and Spring Semester Application Form (PDF)
  • Non-Refundable Application Fee - Your non-refundable application fee of $250.00 must be received to complete the application process.  Please make checks payable to Lutheran College Washington Consortium, or LCWC.  If you would like to submit a credit card payment, please contact [email protected].
  • Unofficial Academic Transcript
  • Current Resume
  • Sample Cover Letter - Compose a cover letter for your dream internship, or for a position you would be interested in pursuing.  Use this as an exercise to search for potential internships in D.C., and start thinking of what would make you a strong candidate.  Your draft does not need to be in its final stage; any level of progress will be acceptable.
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation - One letter is required, but two letters are preferred.  
    Letters of recommendation will be used for internship applications, NOT for acceptance into the Lutheran College Washington Semester (LCWS).  Please ask your recommender to focus on your work ethic, professionalism, and any other qualities that would be relevant in the context of employment.  Letters should be addressed to "To Whom It May Concern," and the recommendation should be for future employment (i.e. "I highly recommend (Student's Name) for an internship with your organization.").  All letters must be on letterhead.


All application materials, as outlined above, must be completed and received by LCWS for a student to be considered for enrollment in the program.   Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until space is filled.  It is to your advantage, therefore, to apply as soon as you know for certain you want to attend the program.  When the program does not fill, to meet most internship application deadlines, we recommend the following timelines:

Fall Semesters
Early Action Submission Date (Recommended): April 1
Application Deadline: June 1

Spring Semesters
Early Action Submission Date (Recommended): August 1
Application Deadline: October 15

Important Note About High-Profile Internships: While LCWS can help you apply to many internships, there are some high-profile internships (i.e. White House, FBI, State Department, etc.) that have very specific internship application procedures and very early deadlines - often times, these deadlines will hit before the LCWS Application Deadline. If you are interested in these types of internships, it is your responsibility to monitor and meet the application deadlines. If you have any questions or concerns as you begin working on your applications for these positions, please email LCWS at [email protected]
