How to Pursue Engineering at Luther

Are you interested in engineering? You're in good company! At Luther College, we prepare future engineers by presenting them with a rigorous program of physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and biology, depending on what particular interests within engineering they have. The majority of our prospective engineers seek out careers in mechanical and electrical engineering, but we have also sent students off to careers in civil, environmental, and aerospace engineering. The common thread for them all is their pursuit of a program that flexibly prepares them for any number of engineering fields by giving them a thorough grounding in the science and mathematics that underlie all fields of engineering.

Keep in mind that as a Luther College student you don't have to pick a specific engineering field to specialize in right away. You will have the flexibility to consider carefully, over a number of years, what field you'd like to enter, as you prepare yourself with a rigorous, rich background of physics and mathematics that provides you with a firm foundation from which to launch your future as an engineer.

Most of our engineering-bound graduates pursue a graduate degree rather than participating in a dual-degree program. Earning a bachelor's degree in science (such as physics or chemistry) plus a master's degree in engineering is a great way to become a practicing engineer. The breadth of coursework in the liberal arts required at Luther College, coupled with the depth of study in your major, give you a strong background in problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning. These characteristics make our graduates stand out among prospective applicants to engineering graduate programs, and give them the tools needed to excel.

Luther engineering-focused students graduate, in most cases, with a masters in their engineering field after six years after the start of their study at Luther.

For general information about applying to graduate school, visit the Career Center website.

For more information about preparing for engineering at Luther, please contact our pre-engineering advisor, Todd Pedlar, or one of the other STEM faculty.