Why Study Nursing?

Never has there been a more appropriate time to consider a professional career in nursing. The health care industry is changing rapidly, health care costs are spiraling, and nursing care is becoming more complex and is extending beyond the traditional settings. As a result, the need for excellent, highly educated nurses is great. To respond to this need, the nursing profession is moving toward a requirement that all professional nurses be educated at the baccalaureate level. Therefore, Luther's nursing staff's advice to you is to investigate programs that lead to a baccalaureate degree in nursing.

Why Study Nursing at Luther?

Our nursing program focuses on providing students with both a wide range of healthcare knowledge and hands-on experience. Not to mention the entire third year of our program is taught in Rochester, Minnesota, home of the world-renowned Mayo Medical Center and its affiliating hospitals, Rochester Methodist and Saint Marys. Our students receive nursing experience in these settings as well as in many others in the community. They have the opportunity to experience nursing as it is delivered in rural settings during their sophomore and senior years. Our graduates are prepared to work in both rural and urban environments, large medical centers and small community hospitals, nursing homes and in the community based on the philosophy that the nurse’s role in the prevention of illness and promotion of health is equally as important as caring for persons who are already acutely or chronically ill.

Off-campus studies are also available to students, most notably in the Nottingham, England summer nursing program. Study abroad opportunities are offered both in short- and long-term programs. Nursing students often participate in off-campus approved experiences offered by a variety of agencies, religious organizations, and educational institutions.

Another important component of Luther's program is the emphasis on a strong liberal arts foundation. This is a commitment to a way of learning that moves us beyond immediate interests and present knowledge into a larger world—an education that disciplines minds and develops whole persons equipped to understand and confront a changing society. Building on the college’s mission and tradition, our distinctive program transforms students into nursing leaders who change the face of modern health care.