Internship Stories

Ozzie Suarez

Ozzie SuarezWhen: J-Term 2019
Xpedition Archery - Decorah, Iowa

Ozzie Suarez spent his January term of 2019 interning at Xpedition Archery located in Decorah, Iowa. One of his tasks during the internship consisted of translating the 2019 Owners Manual for the company into Spanish throughout the month extending his vocabulary and ability to write in Spanish. During the internship he also improved his reading and comprehension skills in Spanish by reading a variety of books from different Spanish authors across the globe (Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Jorge Luis Borges, Isabel Allende) in preparation for future classes that required lots of reading. Ozzie also assisted the company by completing many projects that contributed to their success during and after their ATA Show down in Louisville, Kentucky. After his experience at Xpedition Archery, Ozzie has has come to realize how much work goes into translating and can see how there is a demand for it for companies in the Midwest and is strongly considering pursuing translating after graduation.

Kjerstin Nelson

Kjerstin Nelson at her summer internship.


When: Summer 2017
Where: Centro Médico Estación, Alicante, Spain
Biology and Spanish

This summer, Kjerstin shadowed doctors, receptionists, and various staff members of a private medical clinic called Centro Médico Estación in Alicante, Spain that specialized in helping patients balance a healthful lifestyle. One of her responsibilities was helping the staff with daily tasks. She also learned how to connect with patients when giving uncertain or unfavorable news and how to help patients feel at ease from the moment they step in the door. Kjerstin found that she was able to apply much of what she learned in her biology and Spanish courses at Luther to her internship in Spain. She gained confidence in being able to contribute positively to a healthcare environment as well as developed a new understanding of her patients. To Kjerstin, the warmth and care of those who took her under their wing was the greatest reward one could receive from this experience.

Samantha Phillips

Samantha Phillips '17 at her internship.When: Summer 2016
Where: Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura, Viña del Mar, Chile
Majors: Spanish and Elementary Education

Samantha spent her summer teaching English as a second language to native Spanish-speaking Chileans at various ages and ability levels at the Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura in Chile. Tasks ranged from simply assisting with basic pronunciation to creating and executing entire English lessons for middle school students. Along the way, Samantha improved her Spanish skills while also learning about the intricacies of teaching her own language, English, as a native speaker. Because of this experience, she is strongly considering teaching Spanish, instead of her originally-intended English as a Second Language aspirations.

Emily Alcock

Emily Alcock '17 at her internship at the US-Mexico border.

 When: Summer 2016
Border Angels, San Diego, CA
Spanish, International Studies 

For six weeks over the summer, Emily completed an internship as a community outreach coordinator for Border Angels in San Diego, California. She worked with Luther grad Marlon Henriquez ’15 to facilitate free immigration clinics and lead student groups to the US-Mexico border. Emily also started an initiative to donate leftover school lunches to refugee camps and provided water for migrants in desert areas. Her experience showed her firsthand what difficulties people experience as migrants in that region. Because of her internship in San Diego, Emily feels she has grown as a global citizen and has solidified her plans to become an immigration lawyer.

Clay Walker

Internship - BelizeWhen: January, 2014
Where: Barranco and Punta Gorda, Belize

Clay was able to complete a biology internship in Belize during January term 2014. He spent time with the local Garifuna people, one of several different cultures that live harmoniously in the area. While there he worked with Garfuna doctor trained in both western medicine as well as traditional healing methods. This experience allowed him to see how medicine is practiced in a small town in a developing nation.