Megan Rachuy ‘17

Studied at Luther: English major, linguistics minor

1. Why was it important to you to include a linguistics-oriented IIM or a Linguistics minor as part of your studies while you were at Luther?

I was an English major and Linguistics minor, so I felt that linguistics gave me a better understand of how language worked which in turn aided me in my degree. It also helped to dispel any biases I may have had around language, accents, and dialects. This was especially useful as our world becomes more connected through language and culture in ways it has never been before. 

2. What sort of occupation or professional activity are you engaged in now?

I am a content writer and editor for a tool manufacturing company. 

3. In what ways has the knowledge you gained through studying linguistics contributed to how you engage with your current work and/or the world in general?

The linguistics minor definitely helped me fix the grammatical and structural errors found on their webpage. I also find myself laying in bed contemplating the reasons behind why we use certain words or phrases, or why it sounds wrong to say, "the blue bad cat". It's fascinating to know that language has so many unspoken rules that native speakers almost innately understand and never break.