Sarah (Corfman) Hibbing ‘13

Studied at Luther: Anthropology and IIM in Comparative linguistics

1.  Why was it important to you to include a linguistics-oriented IIM or a Linguistics minor as part of your studies while you were at Luther?

It was my main interest, and I hoped to later on pursue a masters. I still hope to have a career in it someday, possibly in academia, but as I'm focusing on my kids right now, that'll be later.

2.  What sort of occupation or professional activity are you engaged in now?

Right now I'm mostly a stay-at-home mom. I tutor via Varsity Tutors online platform from home.

3.  In what ways has the knowledge you gained through studying linguistics contributed to how you engage with your current work and/or the world in general?

It's certainly broadened my respect for other cultures and languages, and encouraged me to incorporate some language learning into how I talk to or entertain my kids. I also just find it intrinsically wonderful. Learning about how language works is amazing simply for the content learned, not just as a means to a certain economic end.