
The comprehensive fee for the 2022 program is $4,950. This includes tuition for all classes and lessons, plus lodging and meals from June 3 through June 30, 2022.

Students are responsible for arranging and paying for their own travels to and from the festival.

Students may qualify to use financial aid through their home institutions to cover some of the costs of IMFA. Meet with a financial aid officer at your home institution to see if you might be able to use funds from your financial aid package.

We encourage all students to seek financial assistance from outside sources. Music clubs and organizations, youth orchestras and bands, service clubs (e.g., Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.), businesses, and foundations may be willing to help. Be professional and creative, and start planning early.

A limited number of scholarships are available. These awards are based on exceptional talent, financial need, and the needs of the overall program. All students who apply to the program are considered for a scholarship. Scholarship awards typically do not exceed $1,000.

Please be advised that, in the event the dollar-to-Euro exchange rate varies significantly in the coming months, it may be necessary to add a surcharge to the program cost.

The most memorable and worthwhile experience I could have ever asked for.

—Seth Johnson, Bradley University, tenor