Henkel Corporation Internship

Luther College candidates with interdisciplinary skills in German and a second area represented at Henkel are encouraged to pursue a three to six-month paid internship at the Düsseldorf  headquarters. After a thorough vetting process in the U.S. and in Germany, interns are assigned a Henkel supervisor on-site. Together, the two of them develop a specialized work plan that allows the student to serve the needs of the company, but also to explore experiences of their choosing to enhance their studies at Luther. From the beginning of the internship, students are welcomed fully into the team of Henkel employees, confer regularly with their supervisors and conduct independent work in their field. Luther-Henkel interns have described the experience as "life-changing."

To date, six Luther College students have become participants in the Luther-Henkel Internship program: Hannah Myott '13 (Sustainability), Eve Christensen '14 (Hospitality Management), Kirsten Hash '15 (Sustainability), Stephen Shatzer '16 (Data management in Packaging); and Amelia Scarbrough '17 (Sustainability).