Off-Campus Studies

Students study Environmental Studies abroad in Italy (2015-2016)

Students interested in environmental studies often combine that interest with their desire to have an off-campus experience. Studying off campus can enable students to study the environment from the perspective of another culture or in a different natural setting. A study-away experience can also give students the opportunity to take courses that are not offered at Luther. 

Semester Programs

The environmental studies major typically offers students the flexibility to spend an entire semester off campus. During Luther's Rochester Semester and Washington Semester, students complete four-day-a-week internships, which can be directly tailored to a student's interest, for example in environmental policy or environmental non-profit work. Many students also choose to study abroad, for example with Luther's partner program at Telemark University in Norway. More detailed information on these and other semester-long study away  opportunities can be found at the Center for Global Learning.

January Term Courses

Luther offers a wide range of January Term experiences each year. Recent January term offerings with a focus on environmental topics include: