Student Teaching Cooperating Teachers and Supervisors

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own."
 - Benjamin Disraeli

As a cooperating teacher or supervisor, you give part of yourself every day. You share your teaching-related knowledge, skills, and values with a Luther student teacher who is in a formative stage both personally and professionally. That novice teacher looks to you for guidance as she/he asks, “What am I doing well, and how can I do better?”

The faculty and students of Luther College thank you for the important role you play in the support of your student teacher and in the overall integrity of the teaching profession. Together, we can help prospective teachers to reflect upon their strengths and challenges. Together, we can help them build upon their current understandings and skills so they are equipped to begin their career with the tools and confidence they need to succeed.

We hope you find this website an easy one-stop spot to find all sorts of information and forms while you are working with your student teacher.

Thank you again,
The Luther College Education Department