Frequently Asked Questions

Disability Services have outlined some questions that faculty often have, related to services that our office provides.

1. How does a student become eligible for accommodations?

To be eligible for services, including classroom accommodations, students with disabilities must identify themselves and present professional documentation to Disability Services.

2. How are faculty notified of accommodations?

Students who have met with Disability Services, provided documentation and been given appropriate accommodations will give their professors an Accommodation Letter which lists their academic accommodations. Sometimes, a representative ofDisability Services will email this letter to the student's professors.
Students may choose to notify all of their instructors, or only instructors of the classes in which they wish to use the accommodations.
Students are responsible for reminding professors before an exam if they intend to use testing accommodations.

3. Am I required to provide the accommodation?

Yes, in compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the 2008 ADA Amendments Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, we must provide accommodations to students with disabilities.
However, the accommodations should not alter the fundamental components of a program. If you believe the student's accommodation(s) threaten the essential elements of your course, please contact Disability Services to discuss further.

4. Why am I not given information about a student's disability?

A student's disability is considered confidential information, and therefore is not divulged to persons outside the Disability Services office. Professors are given the information they need in order to accommodate the disability.

5. Why do I receive accommodation notifications throughout the semester and not just at the beginning of the semester?

Students may register for Disability Services at any time during the semester. New diagnoses can occur at any time in people's lives. Once the Disability Services office receives documentation for any disability, an Accommodation Letter is provided, accommodations can be activated.

6. I've received notice of students in my course who have accommodations. Do I need to reach out to these students or will they contact me to discuss the specifics?

All students who have accommodations are encouraged to have a discussion with their instructors regarding the specifics of their accommodations. However, it is a good idea to give a simple announcement at the beginning of each semester and January term reminding students with accommodations to talk to you individually. These announcements should be conducted in such a way as to preserve the anonymity of students with disabilities.This information can also be added to the syllabus, see the information on Universal Design for more information. 

7. A student in my class asked for an accommodation but they don't have an accommodation letter. What do I do?

If a student asks you for accommodations in the classroom or on an exam, but you have never received an Accommodation Letter from them, please refer them to Disability Services for assistance. All students who request accommodations need to go through the process of determining the appropriate accommodations and providing documentation to support their request. 

8. Is it fair to all students that some students receive accommodations for extra time on exams or are able to take exams in a separate room?

Accommodations are in place to provide equal access to learning opportunities for students with disabilities. The accommodations do not provide an unfair advantage, but rather place the students on an even level with their peers.

9. Can any of my students take their exams in CAE?

No, only students who are currently registered with Disability Services for academic accommodations can take their exams in CAE.
Students ARE NOT monitored when taking exams in CAE.

10. Is it okay for students registered with Disability Services to take their exams near me and not CAE?

Yes! In fact, this is the preferred method we would like faculty to use. If you have the space and the time, please have the student take the exam near you. This also helps the student if they have questions during exam. CAE is available if the time and space do not work out for you at exam time.

11. What is the best way to deliver my exam to CAE?

Please fill out the Disability Services Online Testing Form to schedule an exam for a student. You can hand-deliver the exam to the CAE office in Preus Library 108, or email the exam to [email protected] We appreciate any time that faculty can give CAE exams ahead of time as we can get very busy with exams during the semester.

12. What instructions does CAE want with my exam?

CAE will need: Name of student(s) taking exam, date and time they are taking exam, whether they take exam earlier or later, Course number and title, faculty name, how to reach you during exam, and length of regular class period. Additionally, provide information on what the student can use during exam: books, notes, calculator, or other aids.

13. What happens if I need to make a correction during the exam?

Please call CAE at 563-387-1270 and a staff person can notify your student. Faculty can always come to CAE during exam times and check in with their students.

14. What if one of my students has a question during their exam in CAE?

When giving your testing instructions to CAE, be sure to give us a number you can be reached at during the exam for the student to call you if they have questions.

15. How do I get my exam(s) returned to me?

There are several options: you can pick it up from CAE, a work study student can return it in signed/sealed envelope, or CAE can send it in inter-campus mail. Be sure to let CAE know your office number and building.