Why Study Counseling?

Whether you’re considering a career as a counselor or have an interest in making a positive impact on the lives of others, a counseling minor may be a good fit for you.

Having the ability to help people navigate challenging life events such as job loss, death, divorce, academic stress, or managing mental health is important in today’s ever-changing world. It’s also a fundamental skill set for career success, even if you aren’t planning to work directly in the counseling field.

Why Study Counseling at Luther?

The counseling minor is designed to prepare you for a variety of helping professions.

If you’re a psychology or social work major, the minor can help prepare you for entry-level, direct-services positions and graduate programs such as master’s programs in counseling and social work.

The counseling minor potentially enhances any major at Luther. For instance, it’s an ideal complement to majors related to medical fields like pre-medicine. Some other ways to combine the passion you have for your major and a counseling minor into potential careers include: art (art therapist), biology (animal-assisted therapist), business (financial counselor), education (guidance counselor or school psychologist), environmental studies (ecotherapist), identity studies (dance therapist), music (music therapist), and religion (pastoral counselor).

You'll also learn from Luther's experienced and knowledgeable faculty members that teach the courses for the interdisciplinary counseling minor. They are accomplished and active in conducting research and clinical work in their field, and are united with students for one purpose: to help make a positive difference in people’s lives.