Careers in Chemistry

It is clear that the high demand for chemistry professionals will continue into the future. Courses offered by the Luther chemistry department provide a foundation in chemical principles and laboratory operations for students with any number of career interests.

Education positions are available in secondary schools and, after graduate study, in colleges and universities. Research opportunities can be found in both industrial and governmental laboratories. The chemistry major is recognized as sound preparation for students seeking careers in medicine, dentistry, or pharmacology. With supplemental coursework, the chemistry major will prepare a student for a career in fields such as environmental science, energy science, geology, and medicinal chemistry.

Luther chemistry majors are heavily recruited for positions in industry, post-secondary education, and public service. Additionally, many of our majors enter the health profession or pursue graduate level work in chemistry, biology, or environmental science.

Members of the ACS student chapter have access to the organization’s national employment service. In addition, Luther’s Career Center provides valuable assistance in finding the career that best suits each student.

The American Chemical Society has a wealth of information regarding career opportunities in chemistry. Additionally, the Luther Career Center is an excellent resource for students exploring career options. Below are several links to this type of information for those considering careers in chemistry.