Alison Gau '18

Allison Gau '18

Majors: Anthropology, German

What do you like best about Luther’s campus?

The most valuable experiences I have had at Luther are always related to meeting new people. This includes other students as well as faculty, staff, and people from Decorah. I enjoy the fact that I can see them while walking to class since the academic buildings are so close to each other. You’re sure to find someone you know whenever you’re in the Union. Even if you don’t know anybody, everyone is friendly and easy to get to know.

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

I participated in the International Baccalaureate program before coming to college. While there, I enjoyed the questions we asked about humans and cultures in the past and present. Coming to Luther, I was still figuring out what major to pursue. After taking biological anthropology, I decided that I wanted to continue learning about anthropology.

Has the anthropology program challenged you?

The anthropology program has challenged me to engage more with people than I'm used to. Having people skills is important and the faculty helped me develop my skills. I have also learned how to ask questions without offending others by accident. This was challenging but a helpful skill to know when asking people about personal information.

What is the anthropology faculty like?

The faculty members are all supportive. They encourage me to develop my anthropology major with my interests in mind. They are also accommodating. Since I am double majoring in anthropology and German, I decided to study abroad for a semester. They helped me plan when to take each anthropology course so I can graduate with both of my majors.

Have you studied abroad?

During spring semester, I went to Münster, Germany. It was through Luther's Münster program, so I was there with other Luther students. We lived with German host families, meeting for classes in the city four days a week. I am also a German major so it was a great experience to live in a place where German was the primary language. It was also wonderful to be able to travel around Germany and other countries in Europe.

What is one class that you would recommend to all students?

I would recommend that all students take a language course. They can experience what it is like to learn about a different history and culture. Learning another language is also useful if you want to travel. I would also recommend an art course. You get the opportunity to explore your creative side.

Choosing a Liberal Arts Education

When choosing a college, Alison wanted a liberal arts education. “I enjoy being able to learn about different subjects at the same time. I like the idea of continuing to explore my interests while pursuing my major.”