
Students who have majored and minored in Africana Studies at Luther have chosen it because of their deep interest in the subject matter. The Africana Studies faculty believe strongly in students pursuing their passions and forging their career paths accordingly, and Africana Studies majors and minors model that belief better than most students.

Graduates have chosen a wide variety of paths within social services, human services, and community development, as well as pursuing graduate school. Because the Africana Studies degree is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in its scope, those interested in continuing their education have attended diverse graduate programs such as law, political science, women & gender studies, American studies, religion, french, literary studies, business, and medicine. Other graduates have chosen to go to Africa, engaging in endeavors such as medical work, teaching English, working for NGOs and the Peace Corps, and attending graduate school programs on the continent. For a wide range of potential careers for Africana Studies majors and minors, see the list at "What Can I Do With This Major?"

The Africana Studies degree from Luther College demonstrates a commitment to understanding the importance of a diverse educational background and a willingness to step outside of traditional disciplines in the pursuit of knowledge. This newfound knowledge of Africana topics and the skills of critical analysis prepare you to consider numerous ways in shaping your vocation.